It's 2020, already and social media has become a phenomena. Almost more than half of the people in this planet use social media to connect with their peers,friends relatives and strangers even.
But on the flip side large businesses are also using social media for marketing their products or services.The same thing goes for small businesses too. Just imagine a decade back when data and the internet was expensive and companies had to rely on the conventional way of marketing that is on hoardings, televisions radio channels etc. These methods were expensive and not that effective back then.
But with the advent of digital media the ball game has changed drastically.
With people having access to internet and cheaper data rates now, social media platforms have given small and medium business a platform to showcase their products and services at very lower costs as compared to conventional marketing techniques.
Businesses that otherwise went unrecognized are now getting recognition for their services.Thanks to social media, it has become a norm for businesses of any niche to have their presence on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube these three being the mostly visited social networking sites daily. Other than these there are specific social networking websites that are related to a particular niche like say for example Pinterst, a social media app that is built for photographers and photography enthusiasts where you can create and publish your art follow other artists and their work and even download images to your gallery.
LinkedIn is a social networking website where companies can look for potential resources with the right match. There are "n" number of soial media platforms that one can think of. But the ones who have truely benefitted are the small businesses who earlier couldn't invest on marketing.
Not only has social media helped businesses scale up but has also made it easy for organizations to look out for resources based on their exact requirement thus saving time and money.
Most important of all, having a social media presence helps reach out to lot of potential customers. Look at "Facebook Market Place" as a matter of fact, people and small start ups are
making money from here and the same time establishing a sense of trust and loyalty to the consumers.
Since social media is in trend every business should be present in social media platforms if they are to flourish their business. If not then sooner or later they are bound to lose business with time.