Monday, March 23, 2020

A Guide for Startups to Drive More Conversion from Social Media.

It may appear to people that the golden days of social media marketing is over as posts don't get that level of exposure they used to get back then.

With the tremendous increase of competitors in social media marketing the market has become saturated. Due to this the organic reach has gone down drastically across almost all social media platforms.

But this doesn't mean that brands have stopped selling or promoting their products and services across Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc. and generating millions of revenue from there.

This usually imply two things:

1. Organic reach has dropped significantly.

2.Driving high conversion is still possible in these channels.

Start-ups should know their way to work around and leverage their social media platforms to produce optimum results.

Here are five tips for organizations to drive in more conversion from social media.

I. Focus on the Trending Social Media Platforms.

Focus on the platforms that are trending and have the most attention at the moment. 8-10 years back Facebook and Twitter dominated the social media landscape. Then came Instagram and Snapchat
and changed the social media ball game completely. Now is the time for LinkedIn and TikTok.
The idea is to focus on the most trending platforms because they are most likely to convert. This does not necessarily mean that you ignore the other platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, if anything, they are most important than ever. However, the recent trends suggest that LinkedIN and Snapchat are the biggest social media platforms when it comes to attention and conversion and that's what you want to focus on.

II. Make your posts relevant to each platform.

The reason people use different platforms are different for example people use Facebook to connect with family and friends wheres people using LinkedIN consume professional content.People use Instagram to see beautiful and interesting pictures.So their intent of using different platforms is different and that's why posting the same content across all these platforms doesn't make any sense.Does it?

They are bound to be ineffective because they wont match the intent and expectation of the users using the particular platform.
Thus, before posting your content on social media you must contextualize them with the platform you are using it on.
The more people connect with your content the higher the chances of conversion.

III. Engagement is the KEY.

The number of likes and followers has become over-rated in 2020. This is why you must shift your focus from number of likes and followers your page has to the engagement it enjoys with it's audience.

You want your audience to engage with your content.Right? This needs to publish content that are interesting regularly.You must encourage your audience to like and comment on your posts.

IV.Learn from the competition all around.

This is the basic concept you have to stick to for getting a taste of success in digital marketing, when your growth has slowed down,when you're having trouble to create a strategy- the best thing to do is to look at a successful competitor. There must be a reason that they are successful, they must be doing something right.Just copy what they are doing with context to social media marketing see...

a. The kind of content they are posting different platforms.

b. The social media platform they are using the most time to time.

c. At what time they are more active.

d. The way they have built such a large following and audience.

e. How they are engaging with their audiences through their posts.

V. Indulge and Invest in Paid Campaigns.

You cannot only rely on organic reach of your post for better conversion, you need to invest in paid ads so to reach more number of your target audience. This means that you must spare enough money on ad campaigns of individual platforms as well as an influencer marketing.

Note to not redirect all the traffic on the same landing page,instead have different landing pages that are contextualized to the intent of different campaigns on different platforms.


These are the five tips to drive better conversions from social media platforms. It wont be simple but if you follow these consistently then you will surely get better conversion from these platforms.

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